Dobrinja, Braće Mulić
New buildings, Flat, Sarajevo, Dobrinja
Apartments of top quality, layout and design in an excellent and quiet location near the Sarajevo Airport! Price per sqm from 3.800 KM including VAT!
1 1-2 62-120m2
Na upit
1Vanjski-izgled-sl1 (1/16)
2Vanjski-izgled-sl2 (2/16)
3Vanjski-izgled-sl3 (3/16)

4Dnevni-boravak-sl1 (4/16)

5Dnevni-boravak-sa-kuhinjom-i-trpezarijom-sl2 (5/16)

6Spavaća-soba (6/16)

7Kupatilo (7/16)

8Hodnik (8/16)

9Lođa (9/16)

10Detalj1 (10/16)

11Detalj2 (11/16)
12Lift (12/16)
13Ulaz-u-zgradu (13/16)

3Tlocrt-dvosoban-stan-62,3m2 (14/16)

4Tlocrt-dvosoban-stan-67m2 (15/16)

9Tlocrt-trosoban-stan-100,7m2 (16/16)
Would you like to make an appointment for inspection of this property? For this and other detailed information in English, please contact us on e-mail: or phone number: +38761163238
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