Centar, Midhata Karića Mitketa
For Sale, Commercial, 1 rooms, Sarajevo, Centar
Multifunctional off plan business premises in roh bahu phase in a quiet neighborhood Vrtovi Sunca, in municipality Center, Sarajevo. Available premises from 48 sqm to 72 sqm!
0 0 48-72m2
107.000 - 159.000 KM ~54.708 - 81.295 EUR

1 Naselje Vrtovi Sunca sl1 (1/24)

2 Vanjski izgled sl 1 (2/24)

3 Poslovni prostor vanjski izgled (3/24)

4 Prostorija sl1 (4/24)

5 Prostorija sl2 (5/24)

6 Prostorija sl3 (6/24)

7 Prostorija sl4 (7/24)

8 Hodnik sl1 (8/24)

9 Hodnik sl2 (9/24)

10 Vanjski izgled objekta sl2 (10/24)

11 Vanjski izgled objekta sl3 (11/24)

12 Lamela-B,-48,49 (12/24)

13 Lamela-B,-52_32 (13/24)

14 Lamela-B,-69,18 (14/24)

15 Lamela-B,-72_32 (15/24)

16 Lamela-B,-72_40 (16/24)

17 Lamela-D,-49_77 (17/24)

18 Lamela-D,-50,15 (18/24)

19 Lamela-D,-67,25 (19/24)

20 Lamela-D,-72,18 (20/24)

21 Lamela-H,-49_51 (21/24)

22 Lamela-H,-50_07 (22/24)

23 Lamela-H,-66_99ulaz2 (23/24)

24 Lamela-Hulaz1,-66_99 (24/24)
Would you like to make an appointment for inspection of this property? For this and other detailed information in English, please contact us on e-mail: vrtovisunca@prostor.ba or phone number: 062/111-511
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