Centar, Midhata Karića Mitketa
For Sale, Flat, one bedroom, Sarajevo, Centar
Functional one bedroom apartment with balcony, in a quiet neighborhood Vrtovi Sunca, in municipality Center, Sarajevo VR
1 1 57m2 360° View

1 Dnevni boravak sa kuhinjom sl1 (1/12)

2 Dnevni boravak sa kuhinjom sl2 (2/12)

3 Spavaća soba (3/12)

4 Kupatilo sl1 (4/12)

5 Kupatilo sl2 (5/12)

6 Predsoblje (6/12)

7 Balkon (7/12)

8 Pogled sl1 (8/12)

9 Pogled sl2 (9/12)

10 Tlocrt I,-Stan-4,-57,20 (10/12)

11 Naselje Vrtovi sunca (11/12)

12 Vanjski izgled objekta, lamela I (12/12)
Would you like to make an appointment for inspection of this property? For this and other detailed information in English, please contact us on e-mail: vrtovisunca@prostor.ba or phone number: 062/111-511
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